Saturday, July 19, 2014

An Inspiration to Humanity!

As a revolutionist in South America, a continent that I am deeply fond to, Simon Bolivar is a true inspiration. To me South America is a continent that deeply interest me because of their reputation in the world as being the “underdogs”, the peoples similarities to my roots as an individual with European and native blood, and the continents continuous fight, even currently, to decipher a government that works for them. I emulate Bolivar because he was a leader who had a vision of freedom from the Spanish empire in 3rd world countries (south american countries). He was a son of Creoles who was born in Venezuela in the year 1783. Bolivar experienced misfortune as a young boy when his father and then mother died. As a result, he studied abroad in Spain where he met his wife, Manuela Saenz. After Bolivar left Europe with his wife to Venezuela in 1803. His wife died from yellow fever a year after their marriage. Following, Bolivar experienced depression and figured he should leave to Europe to feed his thirst for knowledge in regards to the political aspect of both South America and Europe. In 1807 Bolivar returned to Venezuela and joined the resistance movement. From then on, his life was focused on his endeavor of liberating Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, and Colombia of Spanish colonial rule. Bolivar was influenced by the American Revolution against the British rule; however, he mentioned that the American government would not suite south american countries well. 

I admire Bolivar’s perspective of liberation because overall I hope to one day find my own liberation from society through education. Bolivar mentioned " the first duty of a government is to give education to the people". This depicts his understandings of educations ability to liberate people from the corruption of society through knowledge. He understood educations potency because he himself was an educated individual who learned about the Spanish injustices when he pursued a higher education in Spain. He sought liberation not only by education, but by fighting “en la lucha” with blood and tears. “La libertad del nuevo mundo es la esperanza del universo”(the liberty of the new world is the hope for the universe), Bolivar stated in a speech before the Battle of Boyeca. This quote delineates Bolivar’s belief in the potency of liberties outcome of liberating the universe. I emulate Bolivar because he experienced injustice between the people of South America and the spanish empire; therefore, he decided to take action instead of just being a bystander. Bolivar had a goal and went out to achieve it! He fought to make his dream come true and eventually achieved success. He is one out of the many individuals who work hard to get what they desire and eventually get to their destination, something I would like to pursue. He didn't know if he was going to accomplish his endeavors, but pursued it anyway because he believed in his actions and sought to fight without knowing his outcome. He was a risk taker! Personally, I would like to follow his path of being a risk taker because if one never takes risks one will never be different enough to engender change. 

As mentioned before, Bolivar experienced hardships when both his parents and his wife passed away in his childhood and adulthood. “Damn it, How will I ever get out of this Labyrinth , Bolivar questioned right before his death in December 17, 1830. This quote demonstrates Bolivar's continuous fight against the hardships and puzzles of life. This depicts Bolivars ability to withstand adversity and serve misfortune as a motivation rather then an obstacle. Bolivar shows society that obstacles in life were not created to obliterate our aspirations because obstacles in life are to test our ability of  never giving up. Bolivar serves as an example of an individual who looks at adversities as a challenge rather then a defeat. Being a leader is an extremely hard task because a leader must first insure that all the people have the same task in mind and then create opportunities for these tasks to be presented. As a leader in a time of revolution, Bolivar had to insure that the people knew what their destination was through the power of speech and action. I hope to one day engender leadership abilities that will one day assist my endeavors to liberate myself as well as the people around me. I hope to truly follow his actions because as a citizen of humanity we should all aspire for justice and freedom when we experience or even notice injustices!

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